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Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey people, haven't been posting in my blog for so long but there are exams so i ain't got no free time to blog. Doesn't mean that the blog is dead, but my content sucks anyways. lol bye

reached out for stars at 2:59 AM [0 comments]

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Woohoo! finally completed my D&T! lol so happy

The feeling is err i dont know. Actually i dont feel anything eh!

OH NOES! I LOST MY EMOTIONS! ok so it's like i feel that i got more time to concentrate on other subjects as  we're all gonna take o levels at the same time right? okay so there are some people still doing D&T at this time . You people do take care and hope you guys can finish it.

well at least it's one less workload off my back for now. so i can study for the next paper which is ENGLISH AND GEOGRAPHY! so time to study harder than  before! DOTA ! :D

reached out for stars at 8:06 AM [0 comments]

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hey people!
Im on my bed nw with my hand phone lol. I must say it does pretty well even while blogging but i hope i dont reach the max word quota for now.
Was trying the function with the handwritng which i seriously sucked at it. But nontheless LG Renoir has great capabilities so those who have the chance go get it! Lols but im not telling you to choose this over iphone ah!
So hey now im here blogging on my phone cause its too late to go online. But at least i have thw chance to blog under such circumstances right?But two words for now. Bye bye!

reached out for stars at 9:54 AM [0 comments]

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hey, promised to post some pics of the kite flying but in the end..
Im in deep sheet! O.o just dont feel like posting. PWNED!!!
LOL people have many ways of showing how much they hate you, ye know that?
So waddup with that.. Being all sentimental when that whole thing was like

I don't understand you people.. I guess im like that.. Right?
Nevermind.. lol sooo, i guess it's just me left now.

Days hadn't been so good on me. Don't feel connected with people anymore.
Oh btw, watch this video. It's some random kid doing randomstuff playing random games.
Could say he's a comedian? i think some people might know him well. It's FRED!!

Btw i found some cool fangs website, mmm twilight fans go get now!!
however i dont feel a need for it :D here! http://www.vampfangs.com/ go check it!

reached out for stars at 8:15 AM [0 comments]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wooh yesterday was kite flying day organized by the church!
Had a tough time flying kite ehh? lol
I shall not speak more till the next post :D
Too lazy to blog yet i wanna remind myself!
Why can't i be faithful doing quiet time?
Reading the bible and RPG isn't that hard i think.
Maybe this world seems to be a much greater deal than heavenly things.
however good it may SEEM. I shall try my best! REMINDER ROAR!!!

reached out for stars at 8:21 AM [0 comments]

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hey people!
So sian now... what should a guy do when he's alone at night?
USUALLY!!! Guys would start surfing porn feeling bored right..
Hmm should I? Blah, crap lols. I ain't watching porn no more!
Porn is for sissies!! Joking =x well it's just people exaggerating sex.
ROAR no offense to those who watches porn hehe :D

Oh almost forgot. Today is Singapore's birthday!!
WOW, LIKE I CARE! xP LOL i don't know why but it's like the world's a growing forest.
Everything's advancing so fast and now PEOPLE MULTI-TASK!? hmm i do that sometimes but now it feels like im lagging behind or something. Things come by so fast and i didn't even notice.
Thank God there is no big treathening natrual disaster but maybe there might be now. Of course the end times right? God is coming, people dying, satan winning... It'll happen soon enough..
So i hope im prepare. Well rest time! GOOD NIGHT PEOPLE!

reached out for stars at 8:46 AM [0 comments]

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hey people! how's your day todae?
I realized things are going fine except for my studies haha.
Got like 30+ more pages to do for my D&T to at least get it to the teacher's standard =\
So boring doing D&TD&TD&T all the time.
And now for Chemistry, who knows what is alkane and alkene whats with the two things and im soo in the revision mood i cannot even understand anything new. Least something which was once taught to me i can take it. But new topic WHAT THE HECK!!!

Hmm time for some facts!
Why do people always use the wrong term "i go bathe already" (even i say that)
No about english garamma etc etc but it's the term bath.
I was confused today so i searched for the difference with bath and shower.
Realized that showering is what we always do! NOT bath!
unless you guys soak everyday in the bath tub. Showering is letting water flow down on you.
And bath is soaking and mainly for relaxation.

However, when people take a bath, it is advised to take a shower to prevent the gems for sticking around you cause it will be floating around in the water. As shower washes off the germs, you take a shower FIRST before a bath. Interesting right? lol cool...
So time for a change of bath to shower, not trying to showoff =x tcs!

Thats all now bye bye!

reached out for stars at 4:26 AM [0 comments]

Friday, July 31, 2009


Hmm i realized my blog is really empty... Hmm nobody tags me ehh
lol hope i do get some reply. Just came back from tution, completed the Paper 1 of TYS paper at the last page ehh, not bad i suppose. My maths has been improving gradually after our teacher changed. Not that the previous one sucked but maybe her method of teaching is not what we could absorb into our heads. Nontheless she's quite okay :)

Now for some Q&A (random crap)
1.Does girls fart?
A.Yes they do, just that they hold it in their you know what until they get bloated up.
2.Does guys fart?
A. All the time, we dont mind guys hearing us fat but infront of girls. We hold'em for the sake of our ego. RIGHT GUYS?! ADMIT IT!
3.Why guys doesn't have periods?
A. Because we are male. Females have something extra "Fe-MALE" so Fe is iron thus they release iron (from the blood) thats why blood smells like rust cause they got oxsidised.
4. Why am i posting this nonsence?
A, Cause im bored. :D

reached out for stars at 10:38 PM [0 comments]

Happy birthday baby!

Woo today is your birthday! How was it ehh?
So hey, today was quite a day for somebody :E
It was great celebrating my dear's birthday with her.
I shall not elaborate further.
Sleeping through the night....
Nites... Short but memorable day :)

reached out for stars at 8:14 AM [0 comments]

Thursday, July 30, 2009

12midnight to bb's birthday!!!

Helluh people!!
Finally completed my D&T product!!! woot!
Was quite relieved cuz teacher (name not to be revealed) keep complaining my product sucks.
Don't know what's wrong with her this year, she wasn't like this the previous year =\
But after the completion she commented it was good LOL was so happy today.

These few days was not really good,
made mah dear sad =( and i made myself sad o.o
But eventually things got better though we have our bad times.
I shall refrain from quarrel! Effective, yet hard.
I guess people sometimes need to quarrel to get things spilling out?
But yet things always get worse and worse,
"Don't be angry after the sun is down" something like that, God said.

But people still can't control the anger within themselves
leading to more conflict, so i guess now adays people can't really take conflicts?
Advice to everyone, don't get angry for more than a day or things would go worse
then it might be too late to solve anything. I hope it helps.
Helped me a lot lol.

About a 30 minutes more till bb's birthday!!!
Went to IMM today to get her something, shall be revealed tomorrow.
The good part is, i got some stuff which she might like
But the bad part is, im so broke im left with 40cents and i didn't get any cake for her!! :(
Murhh how howhowhow. No cake how to call it a birthday.
Hais, hope tmr turns well ehh...

that's all for today i guess, ttfn; tata for now

reached out for stars at 8:07 AM [0 comments]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Burning oil

Now is soon to midnight buddy boy!
Wow studying at this time, im quite proud of myself man!! lol
One of the few times i stayed up just to study, TODAY INCLUDED WOOT.
you arrogant people must be thinking "tsk! just one night feeling so proud
then how bout me!?!!?"
Come on! it's some achievement for me k!!!!
Currently slacking after a few chapters of chemistry :D (least i studied a bit)
Realized i lack much knowledge from all the crappy book and i forgotten almost 60% of what i've learnt. YOU KIDDING?!! 60%%%%% WOOWWW "this newb's gonna phail his o leve!"
Just you wait man, i'll get straight A's for you unbelieving ppl!!! LOL jkjk
Im targetting for at least a 17 =x, quite reasonable for my standard.
KK gonna slack awhile more and back to revising, all the best for you people taking O levels and exams. Then the next year can slack during secondary one like ME!!! WOOT


reached out for stars at 8:31 AM [0 comments]

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey hey, how you people doing? :D
Got the phone i wanted yesterday!!! wakakaka
LOL was really happiee ehh, it was a touch screen with keyboard woot.
Things are going well in life, but sometimes there are things that pulls me down
and i feel upset just thinking about stuff and also random stuff...
My D&T wasn't going well either, journal i only did to a page 38+ and the product just
sucks so badly... Feel like re-doing but there not much times left to do even 1/4 of the work again..
Notice my friends are all "fighting", as in sparring. It WAS interesting at first, and i joined in for 1 day, after that it starts to get abit stupid.. (sorry, meant nothing) lol but it's like "is it that fun getting bruises all over?" guess not.. So i didn't really do anything today but kicked teck cause he requested O.o?!!?!?! :P lol nothing now BB gg

reached out for stars at 4:48 AM [0 comments]

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


RAWR today went with my mom to the M1 shop to look at phone!!!
Was supposed to get one, then i persuade my mom to get me the LG Renoir phone!!!
:( it has QWERTY keyboard for texting which was what i really wanted!! KEYBOARD!!!! K3YB04RD!!!! Sadly, it was like $198... She contemplated awhile then in the end said
"go home then think through. $198 is a lot you know"
Then i was sianded.... waaaahh GOT TOUCH SCREEN KEYBOARD!!!
GONE GONE GONE.. Tomorrow my dad gonna go check it first.. There was one like $98 with subscription but there ain't no freaking KEYBOARD! RAWR lol.

Hope tomorrow i can get a phone with touch screen keyboard:( TAG MEE BTW! :D

reached out for stars at 6:52 AM [0 comments]

Monday, July 20, 2009


Hey people!!!
Yoyo, todae im gonna talk about.... The title says it all lah!!!! RAWR:D
just trying to share what i believe, your may have your own religion but dont get offended k?
I mean no harm, earthlings.:D peace!

So hey. Why do i believe in God almighty? Is He that all powerful and hiong?
The answer is YES! The world started empty right..? haha soz did the big bang happen a few billion dunno how many gazillion whatever years ago? The bible says No.
It is written that God created the earth, it's atmosphere, and everything in it.
And there were like countless stars reaching across the skies and still millions undiscovered but God knows how many. :D although this may seem unbelievable, you'll soon hear the answers.

The theory of Darwin of evolution may seem palatable and we all know our DNA matches abit from the monkey. But are we really what we seemed to be, primitive monkeys? Or rather we are somewhat near creationalism. Creation by God created and given a free will unlike monkeys who depends on instinct. Also the theory of Big Bang which states that due to a coinsidence that this world explauded and then formed earth and all the cute cute story of human and micro things things :x I dont need to explain but rather let u ponder, does a mere coinsidental natrual pheonomenon caused this world to be created with the complexity of the human body system? How the brain works, how each tiny nerves are there to feel and transmiting brain waves.. All this due to a bang which happened due to coinsidence is abit too corny is it..

If you're asked this question. Did the chicken came first or the egg? Just answer chicken.
The bible did mention God created animals and birds and commanded them to multiply. So God didn't create a egg and said multiply my creation. :D

Hope some life's questions are answered and tune in to more!!! jkjk im just posting cause im bored. Take care people~

reached out for stars at 6:56 AM [0 comments]

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Sabbath

Hello everyone!!
Today is sunday the holy sabbath so did you guys keep the sabbath holy?!!!!???
LOL joke question, im sure the lot did.
Those who didn't i guess you all are busy with exams. O's are coming so do study
And the other minority to whom have been affected, are sick, get well soon! :D:D

Today was a usual sunday. Going to church and stuff.
But the thing is that during this time with O levels coming, im always going home or studying rather than serving God where im supposed to be at this stage - 16 years old going retreat and lentor. I guess next year there wont be any retreat for me alrady? lol but i really loved choir. :D was really fun yet serious haha. And tien ying taught me how to play the piano!!! really fun, im serious!!! oh and i gave up guitar until i could find a teacher who can teach me guitar.
Guess they feel that im too much to handle :O learning from the internet has been hell. cannot even understand. they dont give chords, and they gives u scales. I was like o.o HOWHOWHOWHOW someone do teach me!!!

After church i went to IMM with my erherm deardear!! of course haha.
It was great spending time with her and doing ehh, crafts i guess lol i'll show u the pic if i could get it:) then went eating and meeting up with yixiang. One of the many great friends i have. though we have conflicts in the past. quite minor. no big :P.
then to the library to study afterwards. did revised some maths and geog, but overall i feel that im still weak in my geography after yixiang tested me ....

WOAH PHEW!!! Whats with the phew you ask? i just press the wrong button just now and went to the previous page. The info's still here though.

Back to posting. Ah yes, lost a dota match just now like a few mins ago... :( sad like the 3rd match i lost today... and the last 2 ended so fast like 24-30+ mins.
ehh and happy dayday to you guys. no special occasion...

reached out for stars at 6:39 AM [0 comments]


I am a BOY :D

Qiann Ru Nuna
Amanda Jie
Karen :D
Jia Wei Nuerh
Shi Hui
Tee Yong
Ai Jing
Yi Wen
Xin Yi
Yi Xiang